Our brains can take our desire for some hard-core gaming and transform it so that we feel satisfied. In fact, video games and behavioral effects are the subjects of much study and debate at the moment. Empathy is one of the strongest abilities affected while we game. But at the same time, our brains can benefit from the good features of video games.
Gaming has various good and bad side effects, we will be stating both pros and cons of gaming here:
-It increases coordination because, when someone plays video games their eyes and hands are both coordinated. They don't need to see their controller while their eyes are on the screen.
-Playing a video game may require both visual and audial memory, so memory power increases.
-While gaming, the brain receives multiple stimulations, which improves the brain's speed.
-It has been found that people are more confident, energetic, and emotionally positive when they play video games, which is exactly the opposite of what depression brings about.
-Video games teach life skills such as patience, taking risks, and the ability to strategize.
-Excess of gaming and gadgets divert attention, especially while doing important work because it is hard to focus on the task given to you. This affects your education as a student or your work life as an adult.
-When using gadgets late in the night it can affect your sleep and disturb your sleeping patterns, this is because of the UV rays which affect eyesight and keep eyes dry.
-Obesity is also a big problem with gadgets as you don't get much physical activity and mostly stay indoors. When asked to play outside, children prefer to play video games as they consider them more amusing compared to outdoor games.
-There is also not much social interaction and replace that by playing video games.
-Violent video games affect children and make them harsh and aggressive in real life.
Considering both pros and cons of gaming, it doesn't seem to be bad until gaming becomes an addiction. Many children all over the world get addicted to it and eventually some even commit suicide too!! So if you game, keep the gaming spirit on but don’t let it become a burden on you!
